Dr. Raines is beginning her next adventure and we wanted to sit down with her in her homestretch at DU. Enjoy Bailey Liberty’s interview with Dr. Raines!
What are your plans for next year, and what are you most looking forward to in your new position?
“I am going to be working to open a natural birth center in Nevada and in the interim I will be supervising in the clinic at UNLV. I'm most looking forward to continuing to learn best practices and supporting birthing equity and access.”
What are you most proud of during your time at DU?
“My students. I feel like every year I have been super impressed by what you all take on and what you do and how you change the planet and so I am proud that I have gotten to learn so much both individually and collectively from my students.”
What legacy would you like to leave at DU?
“I would like to feel my legacy is having contributed to the development of the accredited doc program and contributing a culture of advocacy.”
What is your favorite memory during your time at DU?
“My favorite memory is something I haven't gotten to do in a couple of years but we used to do this thing in Diversity where I would have everyone write a letter to a first year school psychologist about what they need to do in regards to speaking up and being an advocate and then I would give that letter back at their last class before they went on an internship.”
What is one piece of advice you'd offer DU students, especially school psychology students?
“Keep learning, keep growing, keep challenging yourself and barrel through the discomfort to make a difference.”
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